This is my archive


Car bodywork courses with Moodle

Blended learning Car painting Interactivity Moodle Online learning Scenario-writing

Creation and organization of educational courses in bodywork technology with Moodle

France / VET centre of The Bordeaux Chamber of trades


Planning a lesson for distance learning  

Blended learning Interactivity Skills-based learning

Design and delivery of a synchronous technical area lesson and use of the tool to be presented during the final examination held online instead of the practical test.

Italy / Fondazione Luigi Clerici



Blended learning Interactivity Situation-based learning

Implementation of a remote project work in the automotive sector.

Italy / Fondazione Opera Montegrappa


Use of a gamification approach for students’ engagement

Blooket Car painting Gamification Interactivity Quiz

Use of gamification to motivate students and deliver contents in a more interactive and funnier way, which might be especially suitable for VET programs with lower EQF levels.

Spain / CIFP Porta da Auga
